Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Q : Who can participate in this AGF competition??
A : Undergraduate student (bachelor), and fresh graduate student (maximum of a year graduation). Also student from other departments and faculties.
Q : Where can I download the registration form?
A :  International participant :
National participant :
Q : How is the registration procedure?
A : Participants regist their team by filling the google form (links are stated at the previous FAQ). After registration. Participants pay the registration fee and send the scanned payment slip and student cards to get the registration numbers.
Q : What is the use of registration number?
A : Participants attach/write down the registration number at the upper right corner of their presentation board. Without the registration number, the presentation board will not be processed.
Q : How can I contact the committee?
A :
Q : Can I change my team after registration?
A : You won’t be able to change the team since a registration only applies to 1 team only.
Q : Can I photo and send the payment slip?
A : Participant are required to send the payment slip whether it’s scanned or taken using camera. Sent by email to with the subject: COMPETITION2016/[GROUP LEADER’S NAME]/[UNIVERSITY] example: COMPETITION2016/ADE ROSSI/BINA NUSANTARA UNIVERSITY
Q : Can I send more than 1 design?
A : Participants are only allowed to send 1 design/1 registration number.
Q : How’s the judgement process?
A : The judgement process will be done twice with different judge. First, internal judges from BINUS University will do the selection of 10 best projects. On the second round, he judges will do the selection of 5 best projects. The best 5 team will do the presentation during the AGF2016 event. 10 best projects will be made into a book* and will be displayed in AGF2016 exhibition hall. Three best projects will be included in 5 HONORABLE MENTION, the rest of them will be selected by the judges.
Q : Who are the judges?
A : Internal judges will be the lecturers of Binus University, Ir. ST. Trikariastoto., MT,Indartoyo, Ir., MSA, Michael Djimantoro S.T. M.T., and Yosica Mariana S.T, M.T. External judges are professional architects, Alvin T*,Luthfi Hasan*, Yori Antar* dan Kengo Kuma*.
Q : Is there any other appreciation for the winner?
A : The winner will also be given awards from HIMARS [Student Organization of Architecture Department of Bina NusantaraUniversity].
Q : What is HIMARS Award?
A : HIMARS Award is the appreciation to a participant who are assessed good in concept and design. HIMARS Award will be determined by the committee of AGF2016. The announcement of HIMARS Award will be done during the announcement of the winner.
Q : What prize will the winner get?
A : Fresh money, plaque and sertificate.
Q : How will the prize be given to the winner?
A : Fresh money will be transferred to the winner account. Plaque and participant will be given during the winner announcement. If not, they will be sent using delivery service to the winner address.
Q : I have registered as a participant, but I haven’t received the message/email confirmation?
A : If you haven’t received any confirmation, you can contact our contact person as stated in our TOR [Terms of Reference].
A : Participant transferred the registration payment to Bank Central Asia(BCA) bank account: 5271302321 (Nabila Hudzaifah)
Q : Should the structure be calculated?
A : Participants do not have to calculate the structure, estimation is acceptable.
Q : If I were an international student and I make it to the final round, should I come to Indonesia?
A : International students are given two options.
1. International students are allowed to do the presentation through Skype.
2. International students can present their design in front of the jury in Indonesia but committe won’t support the accommodation and transportation.
Q : Is there any competition poster?
A : The poster can be downloaded through this link:
Q : If I already fill the registration form but I haven’t completed the payment. Is my team already counted as the participant?
A : You team has already registered to our system but still haven’t got the registration number.
Q : How can I get the registration number?
A : You have to complete the payment first. Then, you have to confirm to our contact person to get the registration number.
Q : Is my team member allowed to come from another campus?
A : All team members have to come from the same university. We are going to check through the ID card scanned and sent to our emails.
A : 1. The participants are allowed to join individually / in a team. A team consists of 2-4 members only. The members are undergraduate students or a maximum of a year graduated.
2. The group leader has to be an architecture student.
3. Each team will get only 1 registration number and it is valid only for 1 desain/team.
4. The team members can be students from different major (e.g. psychology, interior design, etc)
5. Committees have right to use all of the submitted design as the media for publication and documentation. But the copyrights are still the property of each participant.
6. The best 5 designs are required to present their design in front of juries at the AGF2016 days that is held on the 15th of September 2016. Participants have to prepare the presentation medias such as 3d animation, power point presentation or maquette.
Q : What is the difference betweetn International participant and national participant?
A : International participants are required to use English in their presentation board and medias. National students are required to use Bahasa Indonesia in their presentation board and medias.
Q : Where can I see most of the procedures?
A : All procedures are already stated in TOR which can be downloaded through this link: